Why Keanu Reeves Is Lonely and Why the World Goes on As It Does



By Simeon Dumdum, Jr.
Published by Milflores Publishing Inc. ©2021.

This latest collection of poems by Simeon Dumdum Jr. has the spread of a wide blanket which takes into its folds both secular and religious topics and their public and private ramifications. With equal ease, and unobtrusively, Dumdum employs such forms as the sonnet, ghazal, haiku, sapphic, rhyme royal, sijo, and, of course, free verse, to give his topics the suitable organic architecture that they require. With Dumdum’s poetry everything is par for the course—science, politics, the environment, history, jazz, liturgy, suicide bombings, massacres, wars, and the lockdown caused by the pandemic. With these flow the undercurrents of grief, anger, worship, wonder and loneliness, and the poet’s love for his wife and family. All in all, a catholic–in the sense of all-embracing–collection.

Description: 101 pages ; 15.1 x 11.3 cm

Language: English

ISBN: 978-971-828-106-2

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