By Alice G. Guillermo
Published by Onion & Chives, Inc., ©2008.
Agnes Arellano (b. 1949) creates surrealist sculptures that draw from mysticism, religion and sexuality. She refers to her works as ‘inscapes’, borrowing a term from poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, to emphasize an internal unity among the various elements in her sculptures and installations. Reflecting her own search for meaning, particularly after the tragic death of her parents and sister when their family home burned down in 1981, Arellano’s works investigate themes of Creation and Destruction, Birth and Death and the cycles of life.
This monograph, written by Alice Guillermo, is the first comprehensive introduction to Arellano’s body of works. It highlights and examines her pantheon of female goddesses, including the iconic Carcass-Cornucopia, a live-cast of the artist’s own body, in the work Myths of Creation & Destruction I in 1987. The book includes photographs, notes, sketches and other documentation of the artist’s major works from the early 80s to 1996 as well as CD of her Sound Sculptures.
Description: 176 pages : color illustrations ; 24.5 x 21 cm
Language: English
ISBN: 978-971-94020-1-5
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